Attitudes on Same-Sex Wedding. General Public opinion on same-sex wedding

In Pew Research Center polling in 2004, People in america opposed marriage that is same-sex a margin of 60% to 31per cent.

Support for same-sex wedding has steadily grown in the last 15 years. And after this, help for same-sex wedding stays near its highest point since Pew Research Center started polling with this problem. Based on polling in 2019, a lot of Us citizens (61%) help same-sex wedding, while 31% oppose it.


Year Benefit Oppose
2001 35% 57%
2003 32% 59%
2004 31% 60%
2005 36% 53%
2006 35% 55%
2007 37% 54%
2008 39% 51%
2009 37% 54%
2010 42% 48%
2011 46% 44%
2012 48% 43%
2013 50% 43%
2014 52% 40%
2015 55% 39%
2016 55% 37%
2017 62% 32%
2019 61% 31%

Pew Analysis Center

Attitudes on same-sex wedding by governmental celebration recognition

Three-quarters of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents (75%) and less than 1 / 2 of Republicans and Republican leaners (44%) benefit same-sex wedding.

More independents who lean toward the Democratic Party (81%) benefit marriage that is gay Democrats (71%). Similarly, Republican leaners are far more supportive (56%) than Republicans (37%).

Help for same-sex wedding now appears at 88% among self-described liberal Democrats and leaners being democratic 64% among conservative and moderate Democrats. Less conservative Republicans and Republican leaners (36%) help same-sex wedding than moderate and liberal Republicans (59%).

12 Months Rep/Lean Rep Dem/Lean Dem
2001 23% 45%
2003 24% 44%
2004 19% 43%
2005 20% 49%
2006 20% 47%
2007 20% 49%
2008 23% 51%
2009 21% 51%
2010 27% 55%
2011 35% 57%
2012 30% 63%
2013 33% 62%
2014 37% 67%
2015 38% 69%
2016 38% 70%
2017 47% 76%
2019 44% 75%

Pew Analysis Center

Republican Lean Rep Lean Dem Democrat
2001 21% 29% 53% 43%
2003 22% 29% 48% 43%
2004 17% 23% 47% 40%
2005 19% 24% 60% 45%
2006 17% 27% 55% 43%
2007 18% 25% 52% 48%
2008 19% 31% 55% 50%
2009 19% 25% 54% 50%
2010 24% 32% 59% 53%
2011 27% 45% 59% 56%
2012 25% 38% 66% 62%
2013 29% 40% 69% 59%
2014 30% 47% 72% 64%
2015 32% 48% 74% 66%
2016 33% 46% 70% 70%
2017 40% 57% 82% 73%
2019 37% 56% 81% 71% year

Pew Analysis Center

Cons Rep/Ln Rep Mod-Lib Rep/Ln Rep Cons-Mod Dem/Ln Dem Lib Dem/Ln Dem
2001 15% 37% 39% 59%
2003 16% 38% 38% 63%
2004 12% 28% 33% 66%
2005 10% 36% 36% 73%
2006 11% 33% 37% 69%
2007 12% 35% 41% 71%
2008 15% 37% 42% 74%
2009 14% 36% 43% 70%
2010 17% 44% 46% 72%
2011 24% 49% 50% 72%
2012 20% 48% 55% 79%
2013 24% 49% 53% 79%
2014 25% 56% 58% 82%
2015 25% 60% 59% 84%
2016 25% 60% 61% 84%
2017 39% 63% 66% 90%
2019 36% 59% 64% 88% year

Pew Analysis Center